Shipment Based Invoicing for Project Orders

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Shipment Based Invoicing for Project Orders

Invoicing is based upon using the ‘OE’ or ‘Shipment’ method.  When an order is being invoiced, using this option, the ‘items’ may not be invoiced until the Order Fulfillment process has been completed.

Processing Step

Journal Entry



Enter the order in Sales Order Entry

Deposit Process:

Users may add a Deposit Code to the order in OE (Bill/Ship tab – Deposit button)

Deposits may be either dollar or percentage based

May be required if the box ‘Deposit Req’d to Process’ is checked on the Customer Location record

Generate the Deposit invoice

Print the Deposit invoice

Update the Deposit invoice

DR     Accts Rec

    CR     Unearned Rev


Process Cash Receipt for Deposit payment

Update Cash Receipts

DR     Cash

    CR     Accts Rec


Release the order from “hold” status by selecting Approve Deposit Hold Orders and entering the “Deposit Rec’d Amount”

If the ‘Deposit Req’d to Process’ box was checked, the order may need to be released.  If this box is not checked, this step is not necessary.

Confirm the Sales Order

Khameleon generates necessary Purchase Orders.

Print PO’s

Receiving - For Orders coming into dealer warehouse:

Receive against the PO

Update Receipts

DR     Inventory

    CR     AP Accrual


    CR     Inventory

During the receipt process, the ‘Auto-back order fill’ checkbox initiates the second set of entries to move the dollars from Inventory to Cost WIP.  This happens by default.



Order Fulfillment Process:

Select Orders to Process

Print Picking Ticket (optional)

Normally done for items that are pulled from Inventory vs. those ordered on a PO

Pick items that are coming from Inventory

See the ‘Confirm’ process below for Inventory Journal Entries

Print Delivery Ticket

Confirm Delivery

DR   Cost WIP

    CR   Inventory

Note: This entry is made for only those items that were pulled from Inventory


Receiving - For Drop Ship Orders:

Receive Drop Shipments


    CR   AP Accrual

DR   Cost WIP

    CR   COGS


Confirm Shipments

Note:  the Order Fulfillment process above is not required for Drop Ship Purchase Orders

Process AP Invoice:

Based upon settings in the Accounts Payable Module Control record, Khameleon allows Vendor Invoices to be processed either before or after Receipt

After Receipt of Purchase Order

Process AP Invoice

DR     AP Accrual

    CR     AP Trade

Khameleon processes on an Accrual basis.  When PO’s are received, Khameleon accrues for purchases, based upon the estimated PO cost.


If  Vendor invoice price is different than the PO, and the invoice is correct, make corrections to the appropriate line

DR     Cost WIP

    CR     AP Trade


DR     AP Trade

    CR     Cost WIP

(Depending on if the invoice is adjusted up or down from the PO).


Before Receipt of Purchase Order

Process AP Invoice

DR     AP Accrual

    CR     AP Trade

If processed prior to receipt, Khameleon uses the estimated cost from the Purchase Order to create this entry.

If  Vendor invoice price is different than the PO, and the invoice is correct, make corrections to the appropriate line

Khameleon will automatically update the Sales Order and Purchase Order cost amounts.  Note:  After this point, changes to cost amounts are not allowed.  Changes may be made using a manual sub-ledgered entry to WIP as part of a Voucher.

AP Invoice Payment

DR     AP Trade

    CR     Cash


Time and Expense entry:

Installers track their time by project and job

Installers / Project Managers incur Misc. Expenses to be charged to the Project / Job

Enter time and expenses in the Project Accounting module

Update time and expenses

DR     Cost WIP

    CR  Labor Offset Acct

        (employee's home


This entry is made only for time and expenses entered against activities that are tied to the Order line.  See Time and Expense entry notes below.  


Customer Invoicing:

Generate Customer Invoice

Review and Consolidate Invoices

Update Invoices

For Deposit Amount:

DR     Unearned Revenue

    CR     Accts Rec

For Amount of Order lines:

DR     Accts Rec

    CR     Revenue


Clear Cost WIP:

Clear Costs

The costs in WIP associated with an order line item being invoiced are set to clear automatically.

Update Clear Costs


    CR     Cost WIP

This batch may be automatically updated based upon the PA Control setting to ‘Auto Post Clear Cost WIP batches’.


Apply Cash

DR     Cash

    CR     Accts Rec