Entering/Viewing Vendor Items

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Entering/Viewing Vendor Items

Items can be tied to one or many vendors from which the item can be purchased.  Clicking the Vendors button from the Item Master calls the screen below.

A Rank number is required for each vendor record attached to an item.  The highest ranking (lowest number) vendor will be used as the default vendor and cost when the item is selected in the Sales Order module.

After defining a rank number, select the vendor name or number, and also define a cost in the Item Cost field.

If a vendor assigns a prefix or a different item number than the standard manufacturer item, the vendor item number can be populated in the Vendor Item field.  This serves as a translation field when items are sent to Purchase Order.

The Manufacturer identification is made within the Vendor Items screen within the Manufacturer field.  This is a (10) character field used to serve as a standard manufacturer abbreviation or reference.  Manufacturer is also a key value used in the LookUp function within Order Entry, so accuracy and consistency in the assignment of Manufacturer are crucial.

If multiple vendor records are attached to an item, the rank values can be changed at any time to redefine the preferred vendor by re-sequencing the rank numbers.