When an Opportunity record has matured to the point where tangible details of the required materials and services have been defined, the next logical step within the sales process is to provide a quotation.
The Khameleon Order Entry module is where a quotation will be generated based on the entry / import and configuration of appropriate line items.
The Push button will take an Opportunity record and send ALL data elements forward into the Khameleon Customer Master and Order Entry module, assuming that the current user has the required privileges to do so.
In the event that the user does not have the appropriate privileges, the user will be alerted that their defined privileges do not allow for the creation of new customer records and a Task Notification record of NEW_CUST will be created. This Task Notification will be sent to all users belonging to the Workgroup defined within the NEW_CUST note code, and will contain the details of the company record that has been created, but that requires action.
Company information will still be sent to the appropriate tables, but customer status will not be defined. Once given customer status, a user can reply to the Task Notification alerting the SalesRep that the activity has been completed. The SalesRep can then execute the Push process again – which will create the Khameleon quotation record in Order Entry.
Upon clicking the Push button, either having the privileges to create new customers or having followed the process outlined above, the user will be prompted for any additional values required to create a customer record – most often Pay Terms, Tax Code / Exempt ID, and SalesRep – as shown in the canvas below. If the customer record has already been defined as outlined above, these values will be populated.
After providing or confirming the required information and clicking the OK button, data values from the Opportunity are written to the Khameleon Order Entry tables and the user is provided the success message below:
Upon clicking the OK button in the message window above, the user is taken to the new Quote record within the Khameleon Order Entry module. Note all fields from the Opportunity are mapped to their respective fields for the Quotation:
Opportunity Company fields = Customer fields
Opportunity Contact fields = Customer Contact fields
Sales Rep = Sales Rep
Opportunity Name = Order Ref
Opportunity Detail = UD Note
Opportunity Forecast fields = Quote / Order Forecast fields
The original Opportunity Number is written to the Opportunity No field within the Header> More canvas. The Opportunity record remains within the SalesForce CRM module for historical reporting, with the Stage code updated to PUSHED.
The quotation record in Khameleon is now ready for the input / import of line items.