Setting up an Employee

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Setting up an Employee

To make a contact an employee, click on the More button from the contact persons screen.

Next, check the employee checkbox.  That will enable the Employee button.  Then click that button which will take you to the Employee Master screen.

Within the Employee Master screen, select appropriate values for the following fields.

Within the Employee Master screen, select appropriate values for the following fields.

Profile                        The code used to calculate overtime.

Emp Group                  Group with which to associate  employee

Note: Employees to be selected as a Project Manager must be given the group code of PRJMGR                          

Emp Type                   Generally used to differentiate  between full and part time employees.

If the employee's start date is other than today's date, then enter the correct start date in the Start field.

Select the check boxes as appropriate for the employee.

Restrict User Choices

Check if user is restricted to the system created list Choices of projects

Enter Overtime

Check if user can enter time as overtime

Auto Approve Labor

Check if user can auto-approve labor in time entry

Enter Expenses

Check if user can enter expenses

Auto Approve

Check if user can auto-approve expenses in time Expenses entry

Click the Save button along the top tool bar, this should populate a sequentially assigned employee number

Click the Rates button found in the lower left

In the rates screen enter the following fields

Start                  Enter a start date for the employee cost rate being entered

End          Enter the end date for the employee cost rate being entered. This can be left blank.  

Emp Cat          This drives Bill Rates

Hourly Cost          This is used for Project costing.


Cost Type          Enter either ‘S’alary or ‘H’ourly

Home Entity Select the user’s entity or department

Click the Save button along the top toolbar. The employee setup process is complete.

To set up the payroll information for the employee, click on the payroll button in the bottom right.

Accrual Code                If Payroll is installed, select the accrual code for the


Pay Frequency                If Payroll is installed, select the pay frequency code for the


Def Labor Pay Code        If Payroll is installed, select the pay code for generating payroll

Outside Company        If using a third party payroll provider, select it here.

Payroll File Number        If using a third party payroll provider, enter the file number to be                     used.

Reimbursable Exps        Select the method for which expenses should be reimbursed:                           Accounts Payable or Payroll

Sep Check for Exps        Check this if expenses sent through the third party payroll provider                   should be on a separate check.

Click the Ok button.  The payroll setup process is complete.