Creating Customers

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Creating Customers

1. Click the Create Cust button.

2. Enter the following information:

Credit Hold: Last        The system will display the last time this customer was on Credit Hold          

Credit Rating        Enter the appropriate rating for this customer.  If you do not use credit ratings, leave this field blank.

Pay Grace Days        This value defaults from system setup.  Enter the appropriate payment grace period you will alow your customers to go past due beyond their terms.  Once a customer has an invoice that exceeds their terms plus this number of days, new orders will be placed on hold.

Status        Active.  

Customer No        This will be assigned the same value as the Company Number unless you enter a new value here.

Short Name        This is the Comp Ref from the main entry page.  If you change it here, it will change it for all new transactions.

Cust Type        This is the customer type.  You may use the LOV to select values that have been defined during setup.

Cust Group        Customer Group.  You may use the LOV to select values that have been defined during setup.

Subledger        Use the LOV to select the appropriate AR Subledger for this customer

Fin Charge        If using Finance Charges for customers, select the appropriate Finance Charge Code created during setup for this customer.

Pay Terms        Enter the default Payment Terms Code for this customer.

Cust AP Contact        Enter or select, using the LOV, the appropriate contact person in the customers AP department.

Collector        Select the appropriate employee, using the LOV, that is responsible for making collection calls.  This field is not required but may be used to print separate aging reports for customers.

Tolerance        This amount is the threshold that will be used to automatically write off small balance amounts left on invoices during the cash receipt process.  Any amount below this Tolerance will automatically be written off when cash is applied.

Checkboxes        The following checkboxes will affect order processing.  Check as you feel appropriate:  Allow Substitutes – N/A, Allow Backorders – This must be checked for customers if you wish to generate PO’s for items they order that are not in stock,  Partial Shipments – If all items are not available to be delivered, the Fulfillment process will stage orders until all items are available to ship.  Pay Commissions – If this customer is to be included in Commission reporting check thisbox.

Fill Priority        Leave Regular.

Note 1, Note 2        These are comment fields for user defined information.

Credit Card        Click this button to enter Credit Card information to be used for this customer.  It is strictly informational.

Click the save icon to save the Customer Master record information.

Click the Customer Location tab

The following information is specific to this location for this customer.

Main Contact        Enter or select, using the LOV, the appropriate Main Contact Person for this customer location.

Attention        Enter or select the name of the person who should receive invoices for this location.