During typical processing, a sales quote will be converted into a sales order and confirmed by a user who is not a PO Agent. If Formal / Final Approvals are elected at the OE Control record, confirmed orders need to be Released / Approved from Distribution> Processing> Approve Orders. After this step, it is imperative that a Project / Job record be assigned at the Sales Order Header.
While the process of creating a new Project record by copying from a Model project may be beneficial in cases where each order gets assigned a new Project number with a series of standard job and activity classifications, a more streamlined approach may be to create the new job record manually, entering all of the additional details needed at the job level which are not present within the Copy from Model process.
From the Sales Order screen, select Maintenance> Projects> Project Job Master. Using the customer number found in the upper left of the Sales Order header, query the Project Master screen in the customer number field to see if an existing Project is present. If so, skip ahead to the process for creating a new Job. If an existing project is not returned, cancel the query and insert the customer number and location in the fields provided. Next define a value for Project and Project Description, and Reference. These are high level values for the customer and still not specific to the sales order being booked.
Select a project manager using the list of values provided, and define a default project category and sub-entity, then click save.
Next select the Jobs tab from the top of the screen. Customer information will pull into the Jobs window from the prior screen. If left blank, the system will auto-assign sequential job numbers. Specific 1000, 2000, 3000 series sequences may also be defined for certain types of jobs where different numbering could be beneficial for reporting & grouping.
The job record being created is now specific to the sales order being booked. Provide a job description and reference (this could be the order number). Assign a job manager using the list of values provided. This could be the same as the project manager, or different. The other resources button calls a canvas for the identification of additional resources that are involved with this job.
Select the sub-entity or branch responsible for the job. Fields are provided for job type, as well as milestone start and completion dates in the event that they could be used for scheduling or reporting purposes. A 2000 character user note is also provided for user defined comments / instructions.
Click Save and return to the sales order header screen.
Within the Project Info frame in the lower right, select a project order type code and define the Project Job values that were just created in the process outlined above.
Orders are now ready for confirmation by a PO Agent user, which will result in the creation of purchase orders for non stocked items and reserving of inventory for stocked items on the order.