This screen is used to create bin transaction batches. Bin transactions allow you to move items between bin locations.
From the Main Menu, go to Distribution\Inventory\Processing\Inventory Transactions\Bin Transactions
1. Enter an audit name (based on the naming convention defined for your dealership) and default accounting date for the transaction in the appropriate fields.
2. Enter the stocking location where the bin transaction will take place in Stk Loc. This location must be set up to use multiple bins.
3. Enter the item number you want to transfer in Item. A description of the item and the item's unit of measure are displayed in the appropriate fields.
4. Enter the item style in Style or click for a LOV.
Once the item that you want to move is selected, values are displayed in Control Qty and Running Qty. The number in Control Qty represents the number of the specified item currently available. The value in Running Qty indicates how many of the items have been distributed to available bins. If the running quantity is greater than the control quantity, more items have been placed in bins than are currently on-hand. If the running quantity is less than the control quantity, then not all items on-hand have been placed in bins. The running quantity should equal the control quantity after items are moved to the correct bins.
5. In the Bin/Location field, type the bin you are adjusting or click for a LOV.
6. The unit of measure for the item is displayed in Bin Uom.
7. If you have entered the bin location where the items are currently stored, you should type a '-' in the +/- field, indicating you are reducing the quantity in that bin. If you entered the bin you want to move the items to, then you should enter a '+' in the +/- field.
8. Enter the quantity of items to add or subtract from the specified bin in the Quantity field.
9. The current date is displayed as the transaction date in Trx Date.
10. The total amount of items transferred from or to the specified bin is calculated based on the item's unit of measure and displayed in Stk Uom Qty.
11. Click OK to complete this transaction. If the control quantity equals the running quantity, then the system will update the bin transaction. There is no manual update process for bin transaction batches.
12. Cancel to return to the Main Menu without completing the bin transaction.