Enter an Incident

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Entering an Incident

From the Main Menu, go to CRM\Service Desk\Processing\Enter Service Call

1. Select an existing customer in the Customer Information section.  New customers cannot be created here.  The form opens in query mode, so enter a piece of information about the desired customer and execute the query

Users can also use the Advanced Search button to call the standard Khameleon search canvas to look up records by a variety of customer or contact related fields.

2. Once the customer has been queried, click Select.

3. Next choose the primary contact for the issue.  The LOV can be used if the contact is existing or click the Add Contact button to enter a new contact.

4. Enter the Call Detail information:


The category of the incident.


Further categorization of the subject of the incident.


Importance value assigned to the incident.


Description of the issue. This can default in based on the Topic or can be free form.

Other Info

Additional Information regarding the issue. (optional)

5. Save. An incident number is assigned.

6. Click the Assign button to assign the issue to the appropriate person or team. Use the LOV to select the person or team and then click OK.

The Next Call button will clear all data from the screen and allow the user to enter a completely new record, starting again in the Company Information frame.

The Next Incident button will keep the Company and Primary contact information in the header the same, but allow the user to create a new incident record starting in the Subject field.

The Incident Detail button will go into the detailed tab canvases for additional entry / processing of the current incident.  These tabs are outlined in the sections to follow.